
Rock Climbing in Malawi is a collection of 169 routes and over 160 boulder problems in ten main locations in Southern and Central regions. George Margesson, who was a keen climber in Malawi and a MCM committee member for four years (2013-17), has produced this book after painstakingly gathering information from numerous sources and undertaking the mighty task of editing it. The result is a detailed and beautifully produced guide that will serve the climbing community of Malawi present and future.

Paperback copies of the guide can be purchased from Amazon – Click here to open the Amazon page: Amazon


printing instructions:

The guide is best printed as a booklet on A4 paper. In Acrobat Reader, click File > Print, then under the Page Sizing & Handling Section click the Booklet button. Booklet subset should be left as ‘Both Sides’ (for a duplex printer), the Sheets entries will calculate automatically, and Binding should be ‘Left’. The printed guide can then be stapled in the middle to form a booklet.

A recent Chambe climbing route: Kuche Kuche trail

Pdf trail download