What to do in an Emergency

If you are injured whilst on Mount Mulanje, there is a first aid kit in the stores at every hut, as well as a stretcher which the watchman will be able to show you.

It is important to carry a charged mobile phone on the mountain. Whilst reception is not available everywhere, the guides and hut watchmen will likely know where reception can be found.

The nearest hospitals are:

  • Mulanje Mission Hospital (0992 261 569 / 0994 447 720, both office hours). From InfoMulanje/Mulanje Pepper, drive towards Blantyre. After 2km, turn left (sign for the hospital) and continue for a further 2km to the hospital on the left.
  • Mulanje District Hospital (0881 023 903, 0884 123 783, 0888 988 363)
  • Holy Family Hospital in Phalombe (0888 582 880, 0994 744 742, 0999 296 083). About 1km south-west of Phalombe boma along the road to Mulanje.

Search and rescue
There are no formal rescue arrangements currently in place on Mount Mulanje. As a result, it is the responsibility of each party to get any injured members off the mountain.


However, in the event of a missing person, serious injury or death, call Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (01 466 282, 0999 935 920) who will help you organise search and rescue.

Calling on this service should be a last resort, and you should be aware that there could be a considerable cost involved.

You should also inform your key-keeper (see the Contacts page). Other important numbers are the District Forestry Officer at the Department of Forestry offices in Likhubula (0888 638 277, 0999 451 655, 0111 632 813) and the Officer in Charge at Mulanje Police Station (0884 136 017, 0999 553 055, 0885 3111 18).